Peter J. Fitzgerald, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer
Peter Fitzgerald, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, is the Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Technology and Director of the Cardiovascular Core Analysis Laboratory at Stanford University Medical School. He is an interventional cardiologist and holds a PhD in electrical engineering. Dr. Fitzgerald is Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Medicine (Cardiology) at Stanford University and has led or participated in over 175 clinical trials, published over 650 manuscripts/chapters, and lectures worldwide. Over the past two decades, he has trained over 150 post-doctoral candidates in engineering and medicine. Dr. Fitzgerald has been principle and founder of 24 medical device companies in the San Francisco Bay area, transitioning 18 of these start-ups to medium/large-cap life science companies. In 2009, he co-founded TriVentures, an Israeli-based incubator/venture fund for early-stage medical technology and digital health. He has also been a consultant to the US Food and Drug Administration for the past 20 years, focused on medical technology and data driven health analytics.

C. Michael Gibson, MS, MD
Scientific Advisory Board Chair
C. Michael Gibson, MS, MD is an interventional cardiologist, cardiovascular researcher, and educator who pioneered understanding of the “open artery hypothesis” as well as understanding of the importance of restoring flow downstream in the capillary bed in the “open microvasculature hypothesis” in a heart attack. Dr. Gibson has been a leading investigator in trials of thrombolytic agents, glycoprotein 2b3a inhibitor agents, thienopyridines, factor Xa inhibitors, lipid-lowering agents and new devices. Dr. Gibson was named one of the world’s most widely published and cited scientists of past decade in 2018 - 2021 by Thomson Reuters. Dr. Gibson founded and led his own Academic Research Organization (PERFUSE) for 30 years and has been the principal investigator of or led core services for over 120 clinical trials, the results of which have been published in leading journals. Under Dr. Gibson’s direction, PERFUSE created the master database that unified data from over many years of TIMI studies (TIMI 1-50) in nearly 100,000 patients and coordinated data analyses for the TIMI study group and functioned as the TIMI Data Coordinating Center. He has led phase 1-4 clinical trials, and cardiology megatrials of over 15,000 patients which eventuate in international approval of drugs like prasugrel, rivaroxaban, and betrixaban.

Charles L. Brown III, MD
Charles L. Brown III, MD, CEO of the Piedmont Healthcare Physician Enterprise, which is made up of Piedmont Heart, Piedmont Medical Care Corp., the Piedmont Clinic and other clinical programs. Dr. Brown is responsible for all aspects of clinical services and care delivered by Piedmont’s Physician Enterprise. He is an interventional cardiologist who previously served as Chief of Cardiovascular Services for the Piedmont Heart Institute.

Tony Das, MD
Tony Das, MD, a nationally recognized board-certified interventional cardiology specialist, leader, and educator in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Das founded Connected Cardiovascular Care in Dallas, the first Cardiology practice in the country dedicated to individualizing each patient’s care with state-of-the-art remote digital monitoring technology. Dr. Das is the Chief of Strategic Planning and Development and Medical Director of Digital Health, Innovation and Endovascular Services for Baylor Scott and White, The Heart Hospital Enterprise Plano.

Robert Harrington, MD
Robert Harrington, MD, Dean of Weill Cornell Medicine and provost for medical affairs of Cornell University. Dr. Harrington was previously chair of the Department of Medicine at Stanford University and is a past president of the American Heart Association. He is an accomplished cardiologist, with research areas of focus that include evaluating antithrombotic therapies to treat acute ischemic heart disease and trying to better understand and improve upon the methodology of clinical research.

Campbell Rogers, MD
Campbell Rogers, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at HeartFlow Inc. Dr. Rogers is an interventional cardiologist with a wealth of experience in research, teaching, and in industry. He previously served as Chief Scientific Officer and Global Head of Research and Development at Cordis Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Cardiac Catheterization and Experimental Cardiovascular Interventional Laboratories at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Niraj Varma, MD, PhD
Niraj Varma, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and consultant electrophysiologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Varma specializes in the treatment of heart arrhythmias, with interests in ablation for atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, defibrillator implantation, and biventricular pacing. He has led first clinical use of several novel technologies e.g., electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI), cardiac resynchronization algorithms, and cryoablation. He pioneered the application of remote monitoring of implantable devices, chairing the landmark TRUST randomized trial. The results have been pivotal and adopted widely to improve the care of patients receiving such cardiac devices worldwide. He has served on Heart Rhythm Society Scientific and clinical documents and Digital Health committees. He is past President of the International Society of Holter and Non-Invasive Electrocardiography. He has developed and chaired several professional society guidelines on remote monitoring over the last decade.